Hello Doctor,

 I am having swelling in my legs and weight gain I believe from water retention. It has been a  few months.



Welcome to Aries Online Clinic.

I am Dr. Kumar.

Just  a couple quick questions to clarify your question:

– How old are you? Male or female?

– How long have you had the swelling?

– About how large is the affected area? Are your legs painful or tender?

–  What are all the medications you’re currently using, either for the swelling or anything else?


The swelling has been present for only a few months. It is not painful , the skin just feels tight.

 I am 38 years.  Female. no medications only birth control



How much weight have you gained?

Does the swelling in feet get better when you lie down?

 What birth control are you on?

Dr. Kumar


Hi Dr. Kumar,

I gained about 10 pounds in a period of 2 days back in august then lost a few pounds and now I have gained about 5 more

I also have a very hard time losing weight.

Are there any blood work tests you might recommend?

It does feel better when I am laying down and gets worse when I stand for long periods and also then I sit down for long periods of time like taking a 3 or more hour trip



Thank you for your reply.

 So yes, testing for thyroid would be the first thing in such a situation. That can lead to weight gain and swelling in feet. Liver and kidney disease can also lead to swelling in feet but they don’t typically cause any major weight gain. Have you considered seeing a doctor for an examination?

What’s your current weight and height?


I have not seen a doctor in the past year since I lost my insurance

my current weight is 205 and my height is 5 feet 7 inches

I had hypothyroidism about 15 years ago and have been tested multiple times since then but the general practitioner said it was all normal

I would see a doctor if I thought it was a major issue im just not sure where to go. I don’t want to pay $100 just to be told everything is normal or I need to go spend more money at another type of doctor

That is why I am asking here first

Should I go get bloodwork first?


 It would be best to get tested again. If all the tests are normal, then it could just be that you need to lose some weight, and getting help from a nutritionist or a dietitian can help you achieve that.

Increased body mass index can make the valves of blood channels in the legs go weak, and that can result in pooling of blood.


If the swelling gets better when laying down or sleeping what does that indicate?


It indicates that edema/fluid retention is gravity dependent, and that could happen with weakened leg valves.

We still test for other conditions to make sure your other organs and glands are functioning properly.



What test do you recommend

Only thyroid?


Please get these tests:

1. TSH

2.Liver profile

3.Renal profile

3. EKG

You can get these ones done initially.


Thank you.

I will get these tests.


Thank you for using  Aries Online Clinic.

We look forward to seeing you again and wish you the best of health.

Dr. Kumar

Aries Online Clinic

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